Slices-DS objectives
Objective 1: To adequately design SLICES in order to strengthen research excellence and innovation capacity of European researchers and scientists in Digital Infrastructures
- Scientific new frontier outlined; long-term vision, roadmap and mission outlined
- Scientific leadership recruited and availability of scientific human resources proven
- Services for the scientific community described
- Science concept, technical maturity and feasibility tested and achieved
Objective 2: To accomplish preparatory work and planning of the new Research Infrastructure
- Design/feasibility study successfully completed
- Clear business case and socio-economic impact developed
- Detailed plan for preparation and implementation agreed, including relevant investment decisions; and risk analysis
- Overall plan for operation and decommission defined
Objective 3: To define governance and management of the new Research Infrastructure
- Satisfactory project organisation and management for preparation and implementation with clearly defined skills and staffing plans, responsibilities, human resources policy, KPIs and reporting lines approved
- Governance for operation with clearly defined responsibilities and reporting lines outlined, including Supervisory and other Advisory Boards
- Access policy and Data Management defined
Objective 4: To define models for the financing of the new Research Infrastructure
- Financial commitment by lead country or EIRO forum Member and possible other entities satisfactorily covering the preparation and implementation phases
- Top-level breakdown of cost elements with overall order of magnitude estimates, with identification of funding opportunities and outline of the in-kind contribution policy
Objective 5: To define stakeholder and engagement strategy on community-based research
- Clear strategy about how to gather necessary commitments at the institutional and governmental level
- Political support provided by a satisfactory number of prospective members
- Memorandum of Understanding signed by all core partners
- Stakeholders continuous engagement and communication